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Subwoofer Box Calculator Online - Help


Use the following calculators at your own risk. Since I've never seen two port calculators that would give the exact same port length for a given box volume and tuning frequency, the port calculations from this calculator will probably be slightly different than other calculators.

All values rounded to nearest hundredths (x.xx).

Non-editable parameters are automatically calculated.


Type (dropdown list)

This is type of the box. Now available ported box and sealed box.

Width (unit of measure - inch)

This is the outside width of the box.

Height (unit of measure - inch)

This is the outside height of the box.

Depth (unit of measure - inch)

This is the outside height of the box. This parameter is automatically calculated.

Net Internal Volume (unit of measure - cubic feet)

Net internal air space available for your woofers - Vb. It does not include any volume displaced by woofers, dividers and vents. Most manufacturers provide this spec in the woofer's datasheet.

You can use the following approximations for sealed box:

  • 0.28 to 0.42 cubic feet for one 8 inch woofer
  • 0.46 to 0.81 cubic feet for one 10 inch woofer
  • 0.85 to 1.31 cubic feet for one 12 inch woofer
  • 1.34 to 2.01 cubic feet for one 15 inch woofer
  • 2.05 to 2.83 cubic feet for one 18 inch woofer

You can use the following approximations for ported box:

  • 0.71 до 1.17 cubic feet for one 8 inch woofer
  • 1.20 до 1.62 cubic feet for one 10 inch woofer
  • 1.66 до 2.75 cubic feet for one 12 inch woofer
  • 2.47 до 4.24 cubic feet for one 15 inch woofer
  • 4.24 до 6.00 cubic feet for one 18 inch woofer

Total Internal Volume (unit of measure - cubic feet)

Total internal volume of the box. This parameter is automatically calculated. Include Vb (net internal volume) + woofer/port displacement.

Material Thickness (unit of measure - inch)

This is the thickness of a wood (MDF or plywood).


Quantity (dropdown list)

This is the number of woofers in the box.

Size (dropdown list)

This is the size of the woofer. Available sizes: 8, 10, 12, 15, 18 inches.

Cutout Diameter (unit of measure - inch)

This is the hole cutout needed to "drop-in" a woofer and secure it to the front panel. Most manufacturers provide this spec in the woofer's datasheet.

Mounting Depth (unit of measure - inch)

This is the depth of the woofer when secured to the outside of the front panel. Most manufacturers provide this spec in the woofer's datasheet.

Woofer Displacement (unit of measure - cubic feet)

Volume of Displacement - Vd. If you want to compensate for the volume taken up by the woofer, you can use this parameter. This displacement is added as a factor to the total internal volume. Most manufacturers provide this spec in the woofer's datasheet.

You can use the following approximations:

  • 0.03 cubic feet for 8 inch woofer
  • 0.05 cubic feet for 10 inch woofer
  • 0.07 cubic feet for 12 inch woofer
  • 0.10 cubic feet for 15 inch woofer
  • 0.13 cubic feet for 18 inch woofer

Offset Relative to Center (unit of measure - inch)

This is the horizontal offset of the woofer relative to center of the box. To move the speaker to the left wall, you must specify a negative value.

Distance Between Subwoofers (единица измерения - миллиметры)

Расстояние между динамиками. Параметр доступен, если установлено количество динамиков - 2.

Brand (выпадающий список)

Вы можете выбрать любой бренд, если короб делается для определенного динамика.

Name (произвольное значение)

Вы можете указать любое название.


Type (выпадающий список)

Тип фазоинвертора. На данный момент доступны труба и прямоугольный (щель). Параметр доступен, если выбран тип короба - фазоинверторный.

Quantity (выпадающий список)

Количество портов. Параметр доступен, если выбран тип короба - фазоинверторный.

Tuning Frequency (unit of measure - hertz)

This is the tuning frequency of the box - Fb. Most manufacturers provide this spec in the woofer's datasheet. Universal tuning that fits most subwoofers - 36 Hz.

Pipe Inner Diameter (unit of measure - inch)

This is the inner diameter of each tuning port. Option is available if you have selected the box type - vented and port type - pipe.

Pipe Wall Thickness (единица измерения - миллиметры)

Толщина стенок трубы. Параметр доступен, если выбран тип короба - фазоинверторный и тип порта - труба.

Port Area (unit of measure - square inch)

This is the area of the vent. Option is available if you have selected the box type - vented, and port type - slit. If you have selected the port type - pipe, this parameter is automatically calculated.

You can use the following approximations:

  • 9.30 to 17.82 inch2 for one 8 inch woofer
  • 15.50 to 24.80 inch2 for one 10 inch woofer
  • 21.70 to 41.85 inch2 for one 12 inch woofer
  • 37.20 to 65.10 inch2 for one 15 inch woofer
  • 55.80 to 89.90 inch2 for one 18 inch woofer

Port Length (unit of measure - inch)

This is the length of each tuning vent. This parameter is automatically calculated.

Port Displacement (единица измерения - литры)

Вытесняемый объем портом и его деталями, расположенными внутри короба. Параметр считается автоматически.

Pull Out The Pipe (единица измерения - миллиметры)

Если труба не помещается в короб, ее можно выдвинуть.

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